Late night rambling…
What kind of game would it be if Tiger Woods was given 600 tries to make a "hole in one" from every tee? How interesting would football be if we gave the quarterback 600 shots at completing a "Hail Mary" pass on the first down of every series? Who would want to watch a batter get 600 shots at hitting the ball over the fence each time at bat?
If a tennis racquet could be designed for Serena Williams that propelled the ball faster than the eye could follow should she be allowed to use it? If a cue stick were designed with a guidance system what effect do you think that would have on the game? And why do we stop boxers at one knock-out punch? Why not let him throw a couple extra just for good measure!
I apologize if my analogies read a bit obscure. It's late. You either get it, or you don't care!