Saturday Paintball Reruns
From July 31, 2008

The mad ramblings of a mean and grumpy paintball field owner.
From July 31, 2008
(India) Team Khukwi wins Paintball Challenge
(Malaysia) Paintball season rocks Padang Merbok
(Including teams from Singapore, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand)
War breaks out over paintball park
Why Female Paintballers Are A Good Thing
Danielle Peterson
Empire Brings Paintball to Scouting
Reusable M80 Landmine Released by Real Action Paintball
RAP - please go away!
Paintball Water Pod Review
Be careful - it's hot out there.
And finally this.
Why Paintball Continues To Grow — Smoking Marijuana for Health!
Who knew?
Here's something I notice more and more lately when salesmen pitch me their new paintball products: "our new two piece design comes in one length to save on your inventory." There was a time, before the industry collapsed around its glutinous self, that suppliers couldn't come up with enough versions of a doodad to toss at us.
Customers expected you to stock every color, every length, every size, every bore, every pack, half finger AND full finger, every up, every gadget, every brand and every product regardless of whether they planned to purchase any of it.
Many pro-shop owners tried. Many died. Fads come and go. Today's color is tomorrows gag reflex. I still have a number of items sitting in the back that may never sell. I could always hold out and wait for the day when retro comes in vogue - bring out the purple drop forwards and spyder venturi bolts. I think I might even have a "black box" or two hidden away somewhere.
Paintballs : A New Bear Attractant?
I wonder if these guys are aware of this?
There is a possibility that my field will soon be annexed by a town that does not allow the discharge of firearms, to include paintball guns. A battle is brewing.
Read more...Haven't had a follower to welcome in awhile. Where's the love?
Just a few things that caught my eye...
How To Start A Paintball Field Business | Field Methods
I quit reading after the first line.
Paintball & MilSim Look-a-Likes Causing Problems Worldwide
I've been bitching complaining about this for how long?
On a similar note:
Bomb found near sports park in Iowa
Pa. man who shot 2 with paintball gun is sought
He shot at people tubing on a river...what a jackass.
From May 31, 2008
Justs a few items I made note of...
Chechnya's leader hails paintball attacks on women
Stanford man disputes women's allegations
Westmont police: Gunshots fired from paintball gun - Westmont, IL ...
Vendetta Paintball giving back to community | | The Journal News
Yukos, paintball and liposuction
Some crazy asking prices on EBay:
M18A1 Claymore Mine (Airsoft or Paint)
Angel Paintball Sports A-Ball A Ball Reusable 2000 Case
A case? Or a skid?
HUGE Lot of Spyder / Stingray Paintball guns gear
Plus $55 for shipping?
The gun retails for $99
RAP4 t68 para m249 saw marker full auto reduced again
Just a few of the stories that caught my attention...
Missouri begins cleaning, instead of replacing, road signs targeted by ...
How to Deal with Police Officers When Playing Outlaw Paintball
Another Free Online Paintball Magazine
Namibian team leaves mark in SA
Yukos, paintball and liposuction
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