King of the beasts...
It's human nature to want the best. As a kid we want the best video game. Later as a teenager it's the best car. A young adult wants the best mate which leads later to wanting the best for our children.
When kids come in to shop for a gun they often drag Dad along. Sometimes Dad will show a mild interest in the game, some stand back and snipe but more often they come to control spending.
"Yes," to that gun. "No," to another.
"Do you REALLY need that longer barrel?"
"Let's take another look at that low end gun."
I try not to get involved. Mostly because I usually side with Dad and end up loosing a few dollars on the sale.
It's what happens a few weeks later, after Dad has watched his son play a few games, after he has done a bit of online studying, that I find interesting.
He returns wanting the top of the line. The best gun. The longest barrel. The fastest hopper.
For himself.
Something similar to this "King of the beasts" nature is the "loaner" gun.
Quite often someone will come in wanting a beat up, plastic, something they bought at a yard sale, marker fixed.
Trying to be nice I might offer an observation. "This gun has certainly seen better days."
"Yeah. This is a gun I let my friends borrow. I shoot a ($1200) DM7."
I wonder how many friends this guy has?