Name game...
It's nitrogen. Not nitrous.
They're paintballs. Not bullets.
It's a marker (or gun - who cares). Not a weapon or gat.
It's called "speedball" because the games are shorter. Not because the balls go faster or hit harder or because you speed through more paint.
They are not noobs. They are new players.
Scenario games are games - not "scenario tournaments."
Hoppers hold paint and are attached to your marker where they gravity feed your gun.
Loaders hold paint and stay in your pack until you need them and then the empty ones go on the ground.
If a hopper has batteries then its now called a loader (until the batteries die - then it's called a B#%&*!!). It's refilled using pods.
Pods also go on the ground when they're empty.
Hope you are all enjoying your 4th of July weekend.