Paintball perfection...
Lance Armstrong and Tiger Woods are from another universe. That's the only way I can accept or comprehend their phenomenal abilities. I wonder what kind of skills a paintball player would need in order to reach the level of near perfection these two have reached?
I'm pretty sure it would have to be invisibility.
I recently read some thoughts of a man who has researched people like Lance and Tiger. He claims along with great DNA you must devote 10,000 hours to your particular skill as a teenager. That's only about 416 days. I say "only" because if you look at it as 6 hours a day it would be 1,666 days. If you only practice 3 hours a day that's 3,333 days. That's 9 years.
I can't imagine devoting 9 years in the pursuit of perfection toward anything. How do you get a teenager to do it? I can only imagine some pretty heavy handed persuasion. If only we could imagine and appreciate the benefits ahead.
Three hours a day for 9 years. I need to see some of you out at the field a little more often!
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