Saturday Paintball Reruns...
From December 20, 1995:After ranting a couple of posts back about how I only sell the best paintballs here at T-Square my daughter found this little gem in a factory sealed bag of 500 this past weekend.
To be fair, it was not found in our field paint but rather in a box of "backyard" paint that I sell the economy minded player.
It's actually two paintballs that were found stuck together. The bottom one is fairly intact and round while the top one is flattened and shaped into a perfect little hat! (The black marker features were added by one of our artistic field workers.)
Not necessarily something that made me mean and grumpy. In fact, I almost smiled when I saw it!
Mick, speaking of field paint....the new RPS stuff was tremendously AWESOME today....blows the Nightmare AWAY. Broke like the fluid yet no marker breaks. LOVED it! Keep it!!!!
Paintballs are a fickle commodity. The RPS I'm using today will not shoot worth a darn come cold weather. This stuff will work for awhile and then when it gets cold I'll have to go back to something like the Nightmare. The most complaints and good comments I get about the field paint comes during the transition period (spring and fall).
Anyway, thanks for noticing!
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